Spout Version 2.007.015

Spout Version 2.007.015 is released.

For users, the demonstration receiver program now includes comprehensive testing if sender selection fails. Generally this can be resolved with Window Graphics Preferences and this is tested and reported. Logs can be viewed and copied to the clipboard to examine for warnings and errors. If SpoutSettings cannot be used due to anti-virus programs, manual setup is simplified to a single batch file. The advanced demo application includes a new “motion” shader which blurs dependent on movement and a console window can be opened to show diagnostic logs.

For developers, SpoutDX12 and SpoutDX9 libraries are included in the CMake build. Examples are updated with OpenGL Windows applications which can be built without requiring a dependent framework. A single Visual Studio solution file now contains all the DirectX examples. A new “Utilities” example shows the capabilities of “SpoutMessageBox” in SpoutUtils. Source code changes are documented in updates.md. Binaries for libraries and examples can be downloaded as a separate file in the release.

Also updated is SpoutCam 2.033 and Spout for Processing should show up in the sketch library Contribution Manager in a few days.

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