Saving memory/performance

With spout sending/recieving you can set your colorspace.
I’m working on a view with just a black background with moving white dots… is there a colorspace that will preserve vram, gpu resources?

I’m going to be using a lot of senders doing a similar thing because of layers so i need to preserve as much as I can when sending.

If the application supports it, you can set different texture formats such as 16 bit or 32 bit unsigned or float. Unfortunately there is no support for compressed formats. The default 8 bit format is the most efficient (OpenGL RGBA, DirectX DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM).

You can reduce memory requirement by keeping the image size down. For example, the system could struggle with multiple 4k senders.

thanks for the info! makes absolute sense!
Is there also a grayscale only format?

There are monochrome formats but there are a limited number that are supported by the WGL_NV_DX_interop for copy between OpenGL and DirectX.