Spout 2.006 Update 3

Spout 2.006 Update 3 is available for download.

Instead of an installer, this update is a zip archive that can be extracted anywhere and simply contains utility programs. All the programs are revised for DPI awareness and will look sharp, even on scaled displays.

Because there is no installer, each program has to be run once to establish registry settings that are then used by other programs with Spout support. SpoutCam can now be registered with it’s own settings program and both 32 bit and 64 bit versions are registered. A readme pdf has all the details.

The Spout SDK is available by GitHub download or clone for both the current 2.006 master and 2.007 beta. The Update 3 utility programs can also be used with applications developed with 2.007 beta. However, the beta version of SpoutSettings should then be used so that receiving applications can query sender fps and frame number.

2.007 has reached a stage where new sender and receiver functions are unlikely to be changed further. The examples are updated and well commented. Currently the DirectX examples are under review and the latest code is also well commented.

So that’s about it for now.

Is Spout Settings strictly 64 bit? Getting compatibility errors on 32 bit Win 7. Sender and Receiver both work.

Yes it’s a 64 bit executable.
I don’t have time to make a revised update, so here is a 32-bit version. It will be available only temporarily.

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