Spout for the .NET Framework

A new development for people developing with .NET.

Afanyiyu has ported Spout to the .NET Framework and published a GitHub repository Spout.NET. It also provides a Nuget package and the Readme has a Get Started Guide with source code for a quick start.

Many thanks to Afanyiyu for sharing this project.

This project is no longer available

Thankyou @lilin
Yes it appears that Afanyiyu does not list any repositories. But the Spout.NET repository still exists. It’s 2 years old now so I don’t know whether it’s maintained but it could still be of interest.


uint width = 640;
uint height = 640;
byte* pixels=0;
receiver.CreateReceiver(recname, ref width, ref height, true);
receiver.ReceiveImage(recname, ref width, ref height, pixels, 0, false, 1);


Translation -

Can Spout.NET give a code example for a receiver? I see there is only one code example for a sender on github.

Unfortunately this project has not been updated for 4 years. However, a receiver is similar to the sender example

First loop

  1. Create a receiver
  2. If successful, check the width and height returned and create a buffer to receive the image.
  3. If not successful, repeat until a sender is found.

Second loop

  1. ReceiveImage
  2. Check the width and height returned and update the receiving buffer if necessary
  3. Use the buffer as required

In your example above, the last three arguments for ReceiveImage should be the same as the sender example. “Glformat” - “Gl.RGBA” and the “HostFBO” argument 0 instead of 1.

开源地址:GitHub - worm128/yinmei-desktop: Ai吟美桌宠【c#/c++/spout2/directX】

Thankyou @worm12. Here is a translation for readers
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Thank you for your technical support. The project has been completed and open sourced. Open source address https://github.com/worm128/yinmei-desktop