Spout Unreal engine ExampleSpout map blueprints


can some body port the blueprint only spout map to c++, I am having trouble receiving correct image. in unreal only left right movement is transferred and updown movement is not transferred…

i want to tweak it little bit… might have to do with rendertargettexture…

Hi @Enzio919

what blueprint are you using for Unreal Engine? The plugins I am aware of are open source. If you are using something different we might be able to trace the author.

following this link

I am using ExampleSpout.zip content… which comes with blueprints for map…

but I want it to be in c++ completely… can you help…

I am sorry I can’t help you with a C++ only version of the plugin. OffWorldLive have created a livestreaming-camera and you could try that if it’s suitable for your purpose. They have a support forum.

There are also many forks you could explore to investigate the reversal issue you describe. The most recent I am aware of is by Alexandre Buge of Smode published in his repository here.

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thanks for the awesome information.