I’m using NestDrop and I would like to add a Spout sprite to it.
Specifically I would like to connect my Logitech webcam to Spout so that it would appear as a Spout sprite in NestDrop. I can then overlay that on other presets withing NestDrop.
Does this make any sense?
So my question is how do I connect my Logitech webcam to Spout?
I have researched this a bit and this may be a route:
Connect the webcam to OBS
Out put OBS to Spout
Is this correct? is there a simpler route?
Thanks for any guidance.
UltraLiver (aka DJ Fatty Liver) #ultraliver#liverultrasound#support
Yes that would work just fine. You could do the same with any program that accepted webcam input and Spout output.
If you have some programming expertise there is a webcam example that you could work on. But OBS might give you more flexibility with output resolution
I don’t know whether NestDrop takes webcam input directly. I was about to suggest asking on their Reddit forum but I checked and it looks like you have done so already.
I updated the webcam example. There is an executable “ofSpoutWebcam.exe”. It might be too basic for you but it works. You can download the “bin” folder here.
I think OBS is fine. At first I thought it was too big a program to integrate into the workflow but the workstation I am using is designed for video workflows and seems to handle NestDrop, OBS, and my DJ software just fine.